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“If you don’t cut off negative information it will depress you. Step out of the natural and say, “This may be impossible with men, but I know with God all things are possible.”
Joel Osteen

“The more man learns, the less he knows.”
Billy Graham

“When God calls you to build 100 castles on earth and you built 98, take the 99th as if it's the begining of your work and work hard to finish the race with all excellence. Go the extra mile!”
Israelmore Ayivor

“In matters of principal stand like a rock.”
Thomas Jefferson

“Never make a permanent decision about a temporary situation.”
T.D. Jakes

“Quizás consideres que resulta morboso pensar en la muerte, pero en realidad es contraproducente vivir negándola y no considerar lo que es inevitable.”
Rick Warren

“Something magical has happened to me: like a dream when one feels frightened and creepy, and suddenly wakes up to the knowledge that no such terrors exist. I have wakened up.”
Leo Tolstoy

“Your patient has become humble; have you drawn his attention to the fact? All virtues are less formidable to us once the man is aware that he has them, but this is specially true of humility.”
C.S. Lewis

“How can cosmic religious feeling be communicated from one person to another, if it can give rise to no definite notion of a God and no theology? In my view, it is the most important function of art and science to awaken this feeling and keep it alive in those who are receptive to it.”
Albert Einstein

“Quitting is leading too.”
Nelson Mandela

“La manera más fácil de entender el propósito de un invento es preguntarle al inventor. Lo mismo ocurre cuando quieres saber la razón de tu vida: pregúntale a Dios.”
Rick Warren

“Don't die with the music on your tongue unsung! Don't die with the apps in your mind undesigned! Don't die with the books in your head unpublished! Don't die with the sermons in your heart unpreached! Live well and die well!”
Israelmore Ayivor

“Prayer is not just asking. It is listening for God’s orders.”
Billy Graham

“Many people would like a miracle, but like the man in our story, they are not willing to give up their blame and self-pity.”
Joyce Meyer

“to His Word and use the Word and the Name of Jesus as the key. Then prayer will work for you, and you’ll have your answer.”
Kenneth E. Hagin

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