“Why is it that the cross has become the symbol of Christianity? It is because at the cross Jesus purchased our redemption and provided a righteousness which we could not ourselves earn.”

Billy Graham

“Prayer is speaking to God— but sometimes He uses our times of prayerful silence to speak to us in return.”

Billy Graham

“The Scripture teaches that popularity with the world means death. Satan’s most effective tool is conformity and compromise. He is aware that one man standing in the midst of a pagan people can move more people in the direction of God than thousands of insipid professors of religion.”

Billy Graham

“I have never been to the North Pole, and yet I believe there is a North Pole. How do I know? I know because somebody told me. I read about it in a history book, I saw a map in a geography book, and I believe the men who wrote those books. I accept it by faith. The Bible says, “Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” [Romans 10:17 KJV].”

Billy Graham

“Those who read the Scriptures as magnificent literature, breath-taking poetry, or history and overlook the story of salvation miss the Bible’s real meaning and message.”

Billy Graham

“Man suppresses the truth, mixes it with error, and develops the religions of the world.”

Billy Graham

“From the beginning of time until the present moment, man’s ungodly quest for power, his determination to use his gift of free choice for his own selfish ends, has brought him to the brink of doom.”

Billy Graham

“Scientific discoveries (not theories) are found more and more to fit into the record God has given us in His Word.”

Billy Graham

“Prayer is the rope that pulls God and man together. But, it doesn’t pull God down to us: It pulls us up to Him.

Billy Graham

“You cannot pray for someone and hate them at the same time. Even if you are asking God to restrain their evil actions, you should also be praying that He will change their hearts. Only eternity will reveal the impact of our prayers for others.”

Billy Graham

“In the face of legalized pornography, the conscience of America seems to be paralyzed. More serious than our fakery in art, literature, and pictures is the collapse of our moral standards and the blunting of our capacity as a nation for righteous indignation.”

Billy Graham

“I firmly believe God continues to answer the prayers of His people even after He has taken them to heaven. Never forget that God isn’t bound by time the way we are. We see only the present moment; God sees everything. We see only part of what He is doing; He sees it all.”

Billy Graham

“Pornography is anything that depicts lewdness in such a way as to create impure thoughts and lusts. However, the sewers continue to flow, destroying the moral fabric of our society.”

Billy Graham

“The secret strength of a nation is found in the faith that abides in the hearts and homes of the country.”

Billy Graham

“Our society has traded strength of character for makeovers that deceive.”

Billy Graham

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