General Riddles

I help you in fixing your appointments and important schedules. You use me everyday several times. Still you keep on changing me every month. Who am I?
A Calendar

I don't have legs but I have hands. I can run but I can't walk. Who am I?
A clock.

What gets broken without being held?
A promise.

What is half of 4 plus 4?
6. Explanation: Half of 4 is 2 and then plus 4 is 6.

I am a part of your body. You can hold me in your left hand but not in your right hand. Who am I?
Right hand.

I am heavy and have an odd shape. You drop me when you need me and pick me up when you don't need me. Who am I?
Ship anchor

Only one color, but not one size, Stuck at the bottom, yet easily flies, Present in sun, but not in rain, Doing no harm, and feeling no pain. What am I?
A shadow.

I am clean when I look black and dirty when I look white. Who am I?

Does the government of Texas permit a man to marry his widow's sister?
No question of legitimacy, because the man is already dead!

If six thousand six hundred and six dollar is written as $6,606, then write eleven thousand eleven hundred and eleven dollars.

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