General Riddles

How can you write 23 using the number 2 only 4 times? You can use addition, subtraction, division, multiplication.

Fill in the sequence: 1 5 9 15 ?
21 Explanation: Position of the vowels a e i o u.

I am an eight letter standard word used by almost everybody. If you take away two alphabets from me I will make a logical sequence. Who am I?

In a cave there is a treasure within a big metal box with a lock on it. There is also a monster in the cave that has two keys with him; one gold and the other silver. The monster will give you only one chance to open the lock using one of the keys. If the box doesn't open, the monster will kill you. Since the monster is a bit helpful it would give you a clue in finding out the correct key. Can you choose the correct key by deciphering the below clue? A GKOY OEPD LYEO DCNO EAAR NNN
The gold key will open the lock. Explanation: The clue says "A Golden Key Can Open Any Door". Take the first letter of each word, then the second letter of each word, then the third letter and so on and construct the sentence.

Decode the following message: AENDFNDFNNIRDERDESIIEIIEAEND
A friend in need is a friend indeed. Explanation: Write the alphabets in four rows for example:

What is that which everybody has seen but will never see again?

I am transparent. You can see and feel me, but you cannot hold me. I always take the shape of my container. Who am I?

Why did the boy go to his bedroom with a pencil?
He wanted to draw the curtains.

When can you make the following equation correct? 14+1=3
In a clock when we add 14hrs and 1hr we get 15hrs i.e. 3 o'clock

I have one letter but my name is spelled with eight. What am I?

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