General Riddles

I have a many legs, but cannot stand. I have a long neck, but I have no head. I cannot walk and I cannot see But I keep things neat and tidy as can be. What am I?
A broom.

Where do fish store all their money?
On the river banks!

I am a seven letter word. I have two sets of double letters in a row. I can fly like a bird or a plane. Kids love me. I end with N. Who am I?

I am a four letter word. I am an animal. You use me to call your dear ones. Who am I?

Fill in the sequence: 1 5 9 15 ?
21 Explanation: Position of the vowels a e i o u.

If 0=4, 1=3, 2=3, 3=5, 4=4, 5=4, 6=3, 7=5, 8=5 and 9=4, find the value of 10, 11 and 12.
10=3, 11=6, 12=6. Explanation: Number of letters in the spelling of each figure.

Mr. & Mrs. Smith went for a picnic. Mrs. Smith has 5 sons and each son has a sister who has 5 daughters each of whom have 1 brother each. How many of them went for the picnic?
2 people. Explanation: The puzzle only says that Mr. and Mrs. Smith went for a picnic. It does not say that the others accompanied them.

How many pairs of animals did Moses take with him on his Ark to save the world's animals from the Great Flood?
It was not Moses, but Noah, who built an Ark to save the world's animals from the Great Flood.

I am transparent. You can see and feel me, but you cannot hold me. I always take the shape of my container. Who am I?

Take off my skin - I won't cry, but you will! What am I?
An onion.

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