General Riddles

How many of each species did Moses take on the ark with him?
None, Moses wasn't on the ark Noah was.

A calendar year has how many seconds?
12 (2nd January, 2nd February, 2nd March.....)

Complete the sequence: 49 61 51 63 53 65 55 ?
67 Explanation: Alternate numbers increase by 2. 49 become 51 then 53 and so on. Similarly, 61 becomes 63 and then 65.

I have four sides. Anyone can calculate my area if they come to know the length of any one side of mine. I have four right angles within me. Which shape am I?

If NUMERAL is written as UEALRMN then how would you write ALGEBRA?

Two girls were born to the same mother, on the same day, at the same time, in the same month and year and yet they're not twins. How can this be?
The two babies are two of a set of triplets.

The diameter of a hole is 4ft 5in. How much dirt does it contain?
A hole has no dirt in it. It contains only air.

Does the government of Texas permit a man to marry his widow's sister?
No question of legitimacy, because the man is already dead!

I am very fragile. I crack easily. If you cry in front of me, I too start crying. If you smile at me, then I too smile back. Who am I?

Decode the following message: AENDFNDFNNIRDERDESIIEIIEAEND
A friend in need is a friend indeed. Explanation: Write the alphabets in four rows for example:

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