General Riddles

The captain of a ship was telling this interesting story: "We traveled the sea far and wide. At one time, two of my sailors were standing on opposite sides of the ship. One was looking west and the other one east. And at the same time, they could see each other clearly." How can that be possible?
The marines were standing back against the sides of the ship so they were looking at each other. It does not matter where the ship is (of course it does not apply to the North and South Pole).

I have three wings. At times I have 4 wings but still I cannot fly. I can rotate but I can't move from one place to other. People always relax in my company. Who am I?
Ceiling Fan

What is half of 4 plus 4?
6. Explanation: Half of 4 is 2 and then plus 4 is 6.

There are three men in a boat with four cigarettes but no matches. How do they manage to smoke?
They throw one cigarette overboard and made the boat a cigarette lighter.

Which weighs more, a pound of feathers or a pound of bricks?
Neither, they both weigh one pound.

I help all living things to survive. I give shade to others. People use me for their various needs. I have rings to determine my age. Who am I?

Some might say we are red some might say we are green. Some play us some spray us and sometimes our color is in between. What am we?

I am a six letter word. I always follow you in light, but I disappear at night as I am afraid of darkness. Who am I?

Look at me. I can bring a smile to your face, a tear to your eye, or even a thought to your mind. But, I can't be seen. What am I?

I have keys but can't open any lock, I have space but no room. Who am I?

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