“Great crowds followed our Lord . . . as He healed the sick, raised the dead, and fed the hungry. However, the moment He started talking about the cross . . . “many . . . no longer followed him” (John 6:66 NIV).”

Billy Graham

“There will come a time when people hungering for the truth will seek it where it is supposedly disseminated, such as books and churches, but they will not hear the Word of the Lord. Instead of receiving a message to satisfy their spiritual longings, they will hear a sermon on some current political or social problem, or a sermonette on art and literature. And so they wander from one place to another, going from hope to despair, and eventually giving up.”

Billy Graham

“Although the testimony of my mother’s life helped mold me and taught me how to live, the testimony of her last years and her death gave me insight into how to die.”

Billy Graham

“We have made Christianity too easy.”

Billy Graham

“Your eyes should never be lent to the devil; they belong to God. Be careful how you use your eyes!”

Billy Graham

“God never leads us to do anything that is contrary to His Word. But the opposite is also true: God always leads us to do everything that is in agreement with His Word.”

Billy Graham

“We have seen moral and religious leaders, men who claim to be followers of Jesus, fall into disgrace in the eyes of God and man, and worst of all we have seen the Gospel of Jesus Christ and twisted and distorted it by false teachers to accommodate the destructive morals and secular behavior of these times.”

Billy Graham

“Jesus Himself was the first missionary . . .He pledged His followers to be missionaries too!”

Billy Graham

“Don’t rebel, but give God the opportunity to change your life and help you over the problems of youth, for they are many.”

Billy Graham

“Death is not a trip, but a destination.” 

Billy Graham

“The angel of the LORD encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them. PSALM 34:7”

Billy Graham

“Someday your children will leave; you can’t hold on to them or control them forever, nor should you.”

Billy Graham

“Some evangelists spend too much time thinking and even planning about how to achieve visible results. This is an easy trap to fall into.”

Billy Graham

“We don’t need to be crippled any longer by the disease of sin—because God has provided the cure.”

Billy Graham

“Pray because Christ died to give us access to the Father. Pray because God is worthy of our praise. Pray because we need His forgiveness, cleansing, guidance, and protection. Pray because others need our prayers.”

Billy Graham

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