“Come back to the Bible. Begin to read it. Study it and God will speak to you and change you—and through you perhaps history can be changed.”

Billy Graham

“The only one who can re-create us is the One who created us in the first place. If your watch were out of order, you wouldn’t take it to a blacksmith. If your car needed overhauling, you wouldn’t go to a machine shop. Our spiritual problems can be solved only by the God who created us originally.”

Billy Graham

“Children respect discipline. They want to be guided. It gives them a sense of belonging, a sense of security.”

Billy Graham

“There are Christians who have never really learned the biblical truth of separation: separation from unclean thoughts and unclean habits.”

Billy Graham

“True greatness is not measured by the headlines a person commands or the wealth he or she accumulates. The inner character of a person—the undergirding moral and spiritual values and commitments—is the true measure of lasting greatness.”

Billy Graham

“Where students talk about being independent and on their own, you will find them practicing the most rigid conformity in dress, in speech, in moral attitudes, and in thinking. Sometimes they follow fashion at the expense of integrity. They dread to be alone. They do not want to stand out or be different. They want to conform. After they graduate from college, many of these young people want nothing more than a good job with a big firm, and a home somewhere in suburbia. But they don’t find security.”

Billy Graham

“Sin is the second most powerful force in the universe, for it sent Jesus to the cross. Only one force is greater—the love of God.”

Billy Graham

“No matter what the climate is, what the troubles are, what the difficulties are, there is joy for the child of God, because joy is produced supernaturally by the Holy Spirit in us.”

Billy Graham

“The Bible is God’s love letter to us.”

Billy Graham

“Many invest wisely in business matters, but fail to invest time and interest in their most valued possessions: their spouses and children.”

Billy Graham

“The Bible opens with a tragedy and ends in a triumph.”

Billy Graham

“The world is not a permanent home, it is only a temporary dwelling.”

Billy Graham

“The whole world ought to know the story of the Bible.”

Billy Graham

“What I find disturbing in America is the consuming desire for leisure, convenience, and fun. It seems we, as a nation, have traded God for gadgets. We have traded eternal truth for momentary self-gratification—worshipping false gods of materialism and humanism instead of the Creator of all things.”

Billy Graham

“We have seen the results of unrestrained greed, corruption, and manipulation on Wall Street, financial mismanagement in the halls of government, fraud and perversion at the highest levels of both church and state. Many people sense the possibility of an even greater unraveling in the world. We are constantly confronted by the realities of new problems in this age of crisis.” 

Billy Graham

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