“Paul felt that he had been infected with terrible purpose. He did not know yet what the terrible purpose was.”

Frank Herbert

“off in strata of porous rock by the leathery half-plant, half-animal little makers

Frank Herbert

“Hope clouds observation.”

Frank Herbert

“To the east, the night grew a faggot of luminous grey, then seashell opalescence that dimmed the stars. There came the long, bell-tolling movement of dawn striking across a broken horizon.”

Frank Herbert

“Better a dry morsel and quietness therewith than a house full of sacrifice and strife.”

Frank Herbert

“In politics, the tripod is the most unstable of all structures.”

Frank Herbert

“The people must learn how well I govern them. How would they know if we didn’t tell them?”

Frank Herbert

“Even an Emperor may tremble before Muad’Dib, for he has the strength of righteousness and heaven smiles upon him.”

Frank Herbert

“Our supremacy on Caladan,” the Duke said, “depended on sea and air power. Here, we must develop something I choose to call desert power.

Frank Herbert

“Pain,” she sniffed. “A human can override any nerve in the body.”

Frank Herbert

“Paul sat silently in the darkness, a single stark thought dominating his awareness: My mother is my enemy. She does not know it, but she is. She is bringing the jihad. She bore me; she trained me. She is my enemy.”

Frank Herbert

“Arrakis is a one-crop planet,” his father said. “One crop. It supports a ruling class that lives as ruling classes have lived in all times while, beneath them, a semihuman mass of semislaves exists on the leavings. It’s the masses and the leavings that occupy our attention. These are far more valuable than has ever been suspected.”

Frank Herbert

“The real wealth of a planet is in its landscape, how we take part in that basic source of civilization- agriculture.”

Frank Herbert

“hold at your neck the gom jabbar,” she said. “The gom jabbar, the high-handed enemy. It’s a needle with a drop of poison on its tip. Ah-ah! Don’t pull away or you’ll feel that poison.”

Frank Herbert

“Maud’Dib could indeed, see the Future, but you must understand the limits of this power. Think of sight. You have eyes, yet cannot see without light. If you are on the floor of a valley, you cannot see beyond the valley. Just so, Maud’Dib could not always choose to look across the mysterious terrain. He tells us that a single obscure decision of prophecy, perhaps the choice of one word over another, could change the entire aspect of the future. He tells us “The vision of time is broad, but when you pass through it, time becomes a narrow door.” And always, he fought the temptation to choose a clear, safe course, warning “That path leads ever down into stagnation.”

Frank Herbert

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