“Too many people, when they make a mistake, just keep stubbornly plowing ahead and end up repeating the same mistakes. I believe in the motto, Try and try again.' But the way I read it, it says, Try, then stop and think. Then try again.”

John C. Maxwell

“Nobody is a whole team . . . We need each other. You need someone and someone needs you. Isolated islands we’re not. To make this thing called life work, we gotta lean and support. And relate and respond. And give and take. And confess and forgive. And reach out and embrace and rely . . . Since none of us is a whole, independent, self-sufficient, super-capable, all-powerful hotshot, let’s quit acting like we are. Life’s lonely enough without our playing that silly role. The game is over. Let’s link up.”

John C. Maxwell

“The hero is the one with ideas.”

John C. Maxwell

“A realist believes that what is done or left undone in the short run determines the long run.”

John C. Maxwell

“you must be able to take the new thing you’ve learned today and build upon what you learned yesterday to keep growing.”

John C. Maxwell

“People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”

John C. Maxwell

“God prepares leaders in a crockpot, not a microwave. More important than the awaited goal is the work God does in us while we wait. Waiting deepens and matures us, levels our perspective, and broadens our understanding. Tests of time determine whether we can endure seasons of seemingly unfruitful preparation, and indicate whether we can recognize and seize the opportunities that come our way.”

John C. Maxwell

“I state in my book Put Your Dream to the Test that the more valid reasons a person has to achieve their dream, the higher the odds are that they will. Valid reasons also increase the odds that a person will follow through with personal growth.”

John C. Maxwell

“People don’t learn from people they don’t value.”

John C. Maxwell

“And most important, listen.”

John C. Maxwell

“60 percent of all management problems are the result of faulty communications.”

John C. Maxwell

“Success is . . . knowing your purpose in life, growing to reach your maximum potential, and sowing seeds that benefit others.”

John C. Maxwell

“Your mind will give back to you exactly what you put into it.”

John C. Maxwell

“Warren Bennis and Bert Nanus say that “trust is the emotional glue that binds followers and leaders together.”

John C. Maxwell

“«No es la posición lo que hace al líder, sino el líder quien establece la posición».”

John C. Maxwell

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