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“Look inside yourself; there is always something special you can do today! Look around yourself; there is always someone special do it for! Don't spare what you have to share, show you care and dare not to make it rare!”
Israelmore Ayivor

“You may be tall; you may be short. You may be a black; you may be a white. One more thing to keep behind your mind is that you "your purpose is unique". Anyone who is thinks he is clever enough will mess up when he/she wears your shoes; it won't fit!”
Israelmore Ayivor

“Tuve ocasión de aprender que el valor no consiste en no tener miedo, sino en ser capaz de vencerlo. He sentido miedo más veces de las que puedo recordar, pero siempre lo he ocultado tras una máscara de audacia. El hombre valiente no es el que no siente miedo, sino el que es capaz de conquistarlo.”
Nelson Mandela

“Are you a meaningful specific or a wandering generality ?”
Zig Ziglar

“El mejor uso que le puedes dar a la vida es amar. La mejor expresión de amor es el tiempo. El mejor momento para amar es ahora.
Rick Warren

“therefore i live for today- certain of finding at sunrise guidance and strength for the way. power for each moment of weakness, hope for each moment of pain, comfort for every sorrow, sunshine and joy after rain!”
Billy Graham

“Many parents preach to their children but do not set good examples. Parents want the children to do as they say, not as they do.”
Billy Graham

“This is what Paul told Timothy in the Bible: “Stir up the gift, fan the flame.” When you stir up the passion, your faith will allow God to do amazing things.”
Joel Osteen

“We are going through a sexual tempest, a bombardment provided by unprecedented exploitation of cheap sex by moviemakers, theater owners, publishers, and producers of pornography. [There is more] openness of talk about sex, acceptance of public nudity . . . homosexuality. Sex revolution, no! But sex pollution? Yes!!”
Billy Graham

“How often it is that the angry man rages denial of what his inner self is telling him. —”
Frank Herbert

“Bureaucracy is the death of all sound work.”
Albert Einstein

“Kebijaksanaan yang paling tinggi adalah, jangan khawatir akan hari esok.”
Mahatma Gandhi

“But here the physical battle is only an occasion for describing the battlefield that is the human body.”
Mahatma Gandhi

“After the hundreds of stories I’ve heard of atrocities around the globe, I know that if you’re a woman born in the United States, you’re one of the luckiest women in the world. Take your good fortune and lift your life to its highest calling. Understand that the right to choose your own path is a sacred privilege. Use it. Dwell in possibility.”
Oprah Winfrey

“Why shouldn’t we have laws forbidding pornography and obscenity? Many heroic leaders have tried, but they have stumbled over even the definition of the word “obscenity.” If we cannot agree on the length of a foot, it is because we have lost our yardstick.”
Billy Graham

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