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“The heart of the Christian Gospel with its incarnation and atonement is in the cross and the resurrection. Jesus was born to die.”
Billy Graham

“as there is a close relationship between one’s mental attitude and one’s physical environment. The effects of environment so vitally influence those who work in factories, stores and offices, that employers are gradually realizing the importance of creating an environment that inspires and encourages the workers.”
Napoleon Hill

“If you cannot see the rainbow because your face is down, don't argue that no rainbow is up there. Lift up your passion and take your dreams off the ground!”
Israelmore Ayivor

“True compassion does not sit on the laps of renovation; it dives with an approach to reconstruction. Don't throw a coin at a begger. Rather, destroy his source of poverty.”
Israelmore Ayivor

“The problem comes when we try to take the gift God has given us and use it to do what someone else is doing instead of developing our own potential.”
Joyce Meyer

“I have become more deeply aware of the enormous problems that face our world today, and the dangerous trends which seem to be leading our world to the brink of Armageddon.”
Billy Graham

“The Cross is the eternal expression of the length to which God will go to in order to restore broken community.”
Martin Luther King Jr

“It was a full moon and, shining on all the snow, it made everything almost as bright as day -- only the shadows were rather confusing.”
C.S. Lewis

“Walk in faith. Do not let your doubts take the lead ahead of you; they will show you the wrong path. Being a pessimist is a failure plan uncompleted.”
Israelmore Ayivor

“Even the most despotic government cannot stand except for the consent of the governed.... Immediately the subject ceases to fear the despotic force, his power is gone.”
Mahatma Gandhi

“The blessing of knowledge becomes a curse when we pervert it.”
Billy Graham

“Truth is like a vast tree, which yields more and more fruit, the more you nurture it. The deeper the search in the mine of truth the richer the discovery of the gems buried there, in the shape of openings for an ever greater variety of service.”
Mahatma Gandhi

“No hay caminos para la paz; la paz es el camino.”
Mahatma Gandhi

“Why? Personalities! Ninety-nine people out of every hundred who purchase life insurance policies do not know what is in their policies and, what seems more startling, do not seem to care. What they really purchase is the pleasing personality of some man or woman who knows the value of cultivating such a personality.
Napoleon Hill

“Prayer is not asking. Prayer is putting oneself in the hands of God, at His disposition, and listening to His voice in the depth of our hearts.”
Mother Teresa

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