“If you are to become more sensitive, you must be willing to take a risk. Take the initiative to find a need and take action.”

John C. Maxwell

“In the end, people are persuaded not by what we say, but by what they understand.” 

John C. Maxwell

“We don’t get to pick our talents or IQ. But we do choose our character. In fact, we create it every time we make choices—to cop out or dig out of a hard situation, to bend the truth or stand under the weight of it, to take the easy money or pay the price.”

John C. Maxwell

“Every message that people receive is filtered through the messenger who delivers it.”

John C. Maxwell

“What do the people closest to you value? Make a list of the most important people in your life-from home, work, church, hobbies, and so on. After making the list, write what each person values most. Then rate yourself on a scale of 1 (poorly) to 10 (excellently) on how well you relate to that person's values. If you can't articulate what someone values or you score lower than an 8 in relating to that person, spend more time with him or her to improve.”

John C. Maxwell

“If you do not connect with others, influence is out of the question.”

John C. Maxwell

“Success is achieved in inches, not miles.”

John C. Maxwell

“A leader with great passion and few skills always outperforms a leader with great skills and no passion.”

John C. Maxwell

“La mayor parte de las personas buscan la excepción en vez de ser excepcionales.”

John C. Maxwell

“The ability to ask the right question is more than half the battle of finding the answer.”

John C. Maxwell

“Success in your work will be greatly increased if the 3 R’s (Requirements/ Return/Reward) are similar

John C. Maxwell

“rise beyond your circumstances

John C. Maxwell

“In general, there are no bad audiences; only bad speakers.”

John C. Maxwell

“It’s about attitude.”

John C. Maxwell

“there is no future in any job. The future lies in the man who holds the job.”

John C. Maxwell

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