“All great truths are simple in final analysis, and easily understood; if they are not, they are not great truths.”

Napoleon Hill

“Non aspettare, non arriverà mai il momento perfetto. Inizia con gli strumenti che hai a disposizione. Condizioni migliori si presenteranno lungo la strada. Semplicemente inizia.”

Napoleon Hill

“Maintain a spirit of open-mindedness.” 

Napoleon Hill

“Your only limitation is the one you set up in your own mind!”

Napoleon Hill

“Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.”

Napoleon Hill

“The emotion of sex is an “irresistible force,” against which there can be no such opposition as an “immovable body.” When driven by this emotion, men become gifted with a super power for action

Napoleon Hill

“in long run sword is defeated by mind”

Napoleon Hill

“The emotions of faith, love, and Sex are the most powerful of all the major positive emotions.

Napoleon Hill

“As Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, “One single idea may have greater weight than the labor of all the men, animals and engines for a century.”

Napoleon Hill

“If you can’t manage your own mental attitude, what makes you think you can manage others?”

Napoleon Hill

“¡La fe es el “elixir eterno” que le da vida, poder y acción al impulso del pensamiento!”

Napoleon Hill

“Tell the world what you intend to do, but first show it.”

Napoleon Hill

“every human being has the ability to completely control his own mind, and with this control, obviously, every person may open his mind to the tramp thought impulses which are being released by other brains, or close the doors tightly and admit only thought impulses of his own choice.”

Napoleon Hill

“A mind dominated by positive emotions, becomes a favorable abode for the state of mind known as faith.”

Napoleon Hill

“Before you can achieve success in the higher and broader sense you must gain such thorough control over yourself that you will be a person of poise.” 

Napoleon Hill

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