“If you keep nonproductive people, the productive ones become frustrated and leave. If you remove the people who don’t add value, then the whole team gets better. It’s just like trimming trees: If you don’t cut the deadwood, eventually the whole tree falls. But if you remove the deadwood, the tree becomes healthier, the healthy branches produce more, and there’s room for productive new branches on the tree.”

John C. Maxwell

“Keep your thinking right and your business will be right. Zig Ziglar”

John C. Maxwell

“Helen Keller, author, speaker, and advocate for disabled persons, asserted,"Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” 

John C. Maxwell

“Don't let your learning lead to knowledge; let your learning lead to action.”

John C. Maxwell

“To win in sports, members of the team must always keep the big picture in front of them. They must remember that the goal is more important than their role—or any individual glory they may desire.”

John C. Maxwell

“When we’re more interested in telling people what to do than in listening to what they are presently doing, we are off balance.”

John C. Maxwell

“Success in your work will be greatly increased if the 3 R’s (Requirements/ Return/Reward) are similar

John C. Maxwell

“No one can produce great things who is not thoroughly sincere in dealing with himself.”

John C. Maxwell

“how we view a person is reflected by how we treat a person.”

John C. Maxwell

“The winner’s edge is in the attitude, not aptitude.”

John C. Maxwell

“How do I identify the top 20 percent influencers/producers in my organization?” I suggest that you make a list of everyone in your company or department. Then ask yourself this question about each individual: “If this person takes a negative action against me or withdraws his or her support from me, what will the impact likely be?”

John C. Maxwell

“A Chinese proverb says, “Those who drink the water must remember those who dug the well.” Gratitude is one of the most attractive of all personal attributes;”

John C. Maxwell

“The unfortunate truth is that many of us, instead of offering total forgiveness, pray something like this Irish Prayer: May those who love us, love us; And those who don’t love us May God turn their hearts; And if He doesn’t turn their hearts, May He turn their ankles, So we’ll know them by their limping.

John C. Maxwell

“The unexamined life is not worth leading.” I would add that the unexamined leader is not worth following.”

John C. Maxwell

“Los grandes líderes buscan y encuentran a líderes en potencia, y los transforman en buenos líderes.”

John C. Maxwell

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