“There is no such thing as part freedom.

Nelson Mandela

“He nodded for us to rise. I tried to catch his eye, but he was not even looking in our direction. His eyes were focused on the middle distance. His face was very pale, and he was breathing heavily. We looked at each other and seemed to know: it would be death, otherwise why was this normally calm man so nervous? And then he began to speak.”

Nelson Mandela

“un líder es como un pastor que permanece detrás del rebaño y permite que los más ágiles vayan por delante, tras lo cual, los demás les siguen sin darse cuenta de que en todo momento están siendo dirigidos desde detrás.”

Nelson Mandela

“Know your enemy — and learn about his favorite sport.”

Nelson Mandela

“A blind pursuit of cheap popularity has nothing to do with revolution."

Nelson Mandela

“Some mornings I walked out into the courtyard and every living thing there, the seagulls and wagtails, the small trees, and even the stray blades of grass seemed to smile and shine in the sun. It was at such times, when I perceived the beauty of even this small, closed-in corner of the world, that I knew that some day my people and I would be free.”

Nelson Mandela

“Without language, one cannot talk to people and understand them; one cannot share their hopes and aspirations, grasp their history, appreciate their poetry, or savor their songs.”

Nelson Mandela

“It was ANC policy to try to educate all people, even our enemies: we believed that all men, even prison service warders, were capable of change, and we did our utmost to try to sway them.”

Nelson Mandela

“Courageous people do not fear forgiving, for the sake of peace.”

Nelson Mandela

“To make peace with an enemy one must work with that enemy, and that enemy becomes one’s partner.”

Nelson Mandela

“Having resentment against someone is like drinking poison and thinking it will kill your enemy.”

Nelson Mandela

“la virtud y la generosidad son recompensadas de un modo inescrutable.”

Nelson Mandela

“We must use time creatively, and forever realize that the time is always ripe to do right.”

Nelson Mandela

“كيف يمكن لفتى من الريف ان يتفوق علينا نحن المتقدمين وهو لايتقن حتى الحديث بالانجليزية”

Nelson Mandela

“Crime must be brought under control... Freedom without civility, freedom without the ability to live in peace, was not true freedom at all.”

Nelson Mandela

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