“Cualquier hombre es educado si sabe dónde adquirir el conocimiento cuando lo necesita y cómo organizar ese conocimiento en planes definidos de acción.”

Napoleon Hill

“If a man repeats a lie over and over, he will eventually accept the lie as truth. Moreover, he will believe it to be the truth.”

Napoleon Hill

“The best method of protecting oneself against the inflow of negative thoughts being released by other people is that of keeping the broadcasting station so busy sending out positive thoughts that no time will be available for receiving negative thoughts. This formula is unbeatable.”

Napoleon Hill

“Deliberately seek the company of people who influence you to think and act for yourself.”

Napoleon Hill

“The desire for sexual expression is inborn and natural. The desire cannot, and should not be submerged or eliminated. But it should be given an outlet through forms of expression which enrich the body, mind, and spirit of man.”

Napoleon Hill

“What has chance ever done in the world? Has it built any cities? Has it invented any telephones, and telegraphs? Has it built any steamships, established any universities, any asylums, any hospitals? Was there any chance in Cæsar’s crossing the Rubicon? What had chance to do with Napoleon’s career, with Wellington’s, or Grant’s…? Every battle was won before it was begun. What had luck to do with Thermopylæ, Trafalgar, Gettysburg? Our successes we ascribe to ourselves; our failures to destiny.”

Napoleon Hill

“Do not wait; the time will never be "just right." Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.

Napoleon Hill

“A mind dominated by positive emotions, becomes a favorable abode for the state of mind known as faith.”

Napoleon Hill

“No man is ever whipped, until he quits— in his own mind.”

Napoleon Hill

“No one can make you jealous, angry, vengeful, or greedy; unless you let him.”

Napoleon Hill

“The majority of people are ready to throw their aims and purposes overboard, and give up at the first sign of opposition or misfortune. A few carry on despite all opposition, until they attain their goal. These few are the Fords, Carnegies, Rockefellers, and Edisons.”

Napoleon Hill

“The object of your definite chief aim should become your "hobby." You should ride this "hobby" continuously; you should sleep with it, eat with it, play with it, work with it, live with it and THINK with it.”

Napoleon Hill

“The day of the “go-getter” has passed. He has been supplanted by the “go-giver.”

Napoleon Hill

“If you do not conquer self, you will be conquered by self. You may see at one and the same time both your best friend and your greatest enemy, by stepping in front of a mirror.”

Napoleon Hill

“Success is the development of the power with which to get whatever one wants in life without interfering with the rights of others.

Napoleon Hill

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