“An unjust law is itself a species of violence. Arrest for its breach is more so. Now the law of nonviolence says that violence should be resisted not by counter-violence but by nonviolence. This I do by breaking the law and by peacefully submitting to arrest and imprisonment.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“Men flocked to see it and ascended it as it was a novelty and of unique dimensions. It was the toy of the exhibition. So long as we are children we are attracted by toys, and the tower was a good demonstration of the fact that we are all children attracted by trinkets. That may be claimed to be the purpose served by the Eiffel Tower.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“I have not conceived my mission to be that of a knight-errant wandering everywhere to deliver people from difficult situations. My humble occupation has been to show people how they can solve their own difficulties.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“The Mahabharata was not composed with the aim of describing a battle. The description of the battle serves only as a pretext.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“Proneness to exaggerate, to suppress or modify the truth, wittingly or unwittingly, is a natural weakness of man and silence is necessary in order to surmount it.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“Where there is possessiveness, there is violence.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“Joy lies in the fight, in the attempt, in the suffering involved, not in the victory itself”

Mahatma Gandhi

“A man of few words will rarely be thoughtless in his speech; he will measure every word.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“Among the many misdeeds of British rule in India, history will look upon the Act which deprived a whole nation of arms as the blackest.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“most Americans think of Rosa Parks as a demur, pleasant-enough seamstress who backed into history by being too tired to get out of her seat on a bus one day, in reality she had been trained in nonviolence spirit and tactics at a famous institution, Highlander Folk School. It seems to be a difficult concept for most of us that peace is a skill that can be learned. We know war can be learned, but we seem to think that one becomes a peacemaker by a mere change of heart.

Mahatma Gandhi

“If a single man achieves the highest kind of love, it will be sufficient to neutralize the hate of millions.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“I read with interest Max Muller’s book, India—What Can It Teach Us? and the translation of the Upanishads published by the Theosophical Society. All this enhanced my regard for Hinduism, and its beauties began to grow upon me. It did not, however, prejudice me against other religions.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“It is simple impertinence for any man, or any body of men, to begin, or to contemplate, reform of the whole world.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“Manliness consists not in bluff, bravado or loneliness. It consists in daring to do the right thing and facing consequences whether it is in matters social, political or other. It consists in deeds not words.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“If I were asked to define the Hindu creed, I should simply say: Search after truth through non-violent means. A man may not believe in God and still call himself a Hindu. Hinduism is a relentless pursuit after truth... Hinduism is the religion of truth. Truth is God. Denial of God we have known. Denial of truth we have not known.”

Mahatma Gandhi

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