“Let us consider the power of FAITH, as it is now being demonstrated, by a man who is well known to all of civilization, Mahatma Gandhi, of India. In this man the world has one of the most astounding examples known to civilization, of the possibilities of FAITH. Gandhi wields more potential power than any man living at this time, and this, despite the fact that he has none of the orthodox tools of power, such as money, battle ships, soldiers, and materials of warfare. Gandhi has no money, he has no home, he does not own a suit of clothes, but HE DOES HAVE POWER. How does he come by that power? HE CREATED IT OUT OF HIS UNDERSTANDING OF THE PRINCIPLE OF FAITH, AND THROUGH HIS ABILITY TO TRANSPLANT THAT FAITH INTO THE MINDS OF TWO HUNDRED MILLION PEOPLE. Gandhi has accomplished, through the influence of FAITH, that which the strongest military power on earth could not, and never will accomplish through soldiers and military equipment. He has accomplished the astounding feat of INFLUENCING two hundred million minds to COALESCE AND MOVE IN UNISON, AS A SINGLE MIND. What other force on earth, except FAITH could do as much? There will come a day when employees as well as employers will discover the possibilities of FAITH. That day is dawning. The whole world has had ample opportunity, during the recent business depression, to witness what the LACK OF FAITH will do to business.” 

Napoleon Hill

“Have you noticed that the most effective worker is generally the busiest?”

Napoleon Hill

“Procrastination, the opposite of decision, is a common enemy which practically every man must conquer.”

Napoleon Hill

“as there is a close relationship between one’s mental attitude and one’s physical environment. The effects of environment so vitally influence those who work in factories, stores and offices, that employers are gradually realizing the importance of creating an environment that inspires and encourages the workers.”

Napoleon Hill

“Our only limitations are those we set up in our own minds”

Napoleon Hill

“el éxito no necesita disculpas, y el fracaso no acepta excusas”

Napoleon Hill

“All the breaks you need in life wait within your imagination. Imagination is the workshop of your mind, capable of turning mind energy into accomplishment and wealth.”

Napoleon Hill

“Self-respect is the best means of getting the respect of others.”

Napoleon Hill

“Do not believe everything you think or that you believe.”

Napoleon Hill

“Successful men become successful only because they acquire the habit of thinking in terms of success.”

Napoleon Hill

“Failure is a trickster with a keen sense of irony and cunning. It takes great delight in tripping one when success is almost within reach.”

Napoleon Hill

“Life is strange, and often imponderable!”

Napoleon Hill

“Successful people make decisions quickly (as soon as all the facts are available) and firmly. Unsuccessful people make decisions slowly, and they change them often.”

Napoleon Hill

“Both poverty and riches are the offspring of thought.”

Napoleon Hill

“money is attracted to him whose mind has been deliberately prepared to attract it,”

Napoleon Hill

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