“Much about success is just the result of simply the ability to follow up, follow through, and finish what we started.”

Zig Ziglar

“Men of genius are admired, men of wealth are envied, men of power are feared, but only men of character are trusted.”

Zig Ziglar

“(Born to Win, “I Can,” Coaching to Change Lives, Teaching to Change Lives, and Strategies for Success), which deal with this tremendous need”

Zig Ziglar

“We do not stop working and playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop working and playing.”

Zig Ziglar

“This is not to imply that we agree on everything because we don’t. Nor does it mean there are no arguments because there are. It does mean there is never any maliciousness or bitterness in our differences. It does mean each is willing to admit a mistake and apologize if he or she is wrong. It means we enjoy each other and love each other enough to put the other one first. We never part company or go to sleep without settling our differences and reaffirming our love. We’re both grateful that God has let us spend enough years together to develop a relationship and discover what real love is all about. Our prayer is that God will permit us to have many more years together before we start our walk though eternity—together.”

Zig Ziglar

“A poet stated it more succinctly when he wrote, “I hear and forget. I see and hear and I remember. However, when I see, hear and do, I understand and succeed.” Interestingly enough, you will discover that when you read this book a second time, you will get more thoughts and more ideas than you did the first time. This is especially true if you read a few minutes every day before you start your day’s activities and just before you go to sleep.”

Zig Ziglar

“Your attitude determines your altitude.

Zig Ziglar

“Success means doing the best we can with what we have. Success is the doing, not the getting; in the trying, not the triumph. Success is a personal standard, reaching for the highest that is in us, becoming all that we can be.”

Zig Ziglar

“You can change everything about your business by changing your thinking about your business.”

Zig Ziglar

“Everybody says they want to be free. Take the train off the tracks and it’s free-but it can’t go anywhere.”

Zig Ziglar

“Take one cup of love, two cups of loyalty, three cups of forgiveness, four quarts of faith and one barrel of laughter. Take love and loyalty and mix them thoroughly with faith; blend with tenderness, kindness and understanding. Add friendship and hope. Sprinkle abundantly with laughter. Bake it with sunshine. Wrap it regularly with lots of hugs. Serve generous helpings daily.” 

Zig Ziglar

“Life is an echo. What you send out comes back. What you sow you reap. What you give you get. What you see in others exists in you.”

Zig Ziglar

“It is unwise to pay too little. When you pay too much, you lose a little money, that is all. When you pay too little, you sometimes lose everything because the thing you bought was incapable of doing what it was bought to do. The common law of business balance prohibits paying a little and getting a lot . .”

Zig Ziglar

“ان الله قادر على اصلاح قلوبنا المحطمة اذا كان كل جزء منها يلهج بحبه و الثناء عليه”

Zig Ziglar

“Honesty and integrity are absolutely essential for success in life … all areas of life.”

Zig Ziglar

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