“It was a scene of such beauty it caught all his attention. Some things beggar likeness, he thought.

Frank Herbert

“Do as she says, you wormfaced, crawling, sand-brained piece of lizard turd!”

Frank Herbert

“I will await below,” Stilgar said, “while Idaho makes farewell with his friends. Turok was the name of our dead friend. Remember that when it comes time to release his spirit. You are friends of Turok.”

Frank Herbert

“One of the most terrible moments in a boy’s life,” Paul said, “is when he discovers his father and mother are human beings who share a love that he can never quite taste. It’s a loss, an awakening to the fact that the world is there and here and we are in it alone. The moment carries its own truth; you can’t evade it. I heard my father when he spoke of my mother. She’s not the betrayer, Gurney.”

Frank Herbert

“How do we approach the study of Muad’Dib’s father? A man of surpassing warmth and surprising coldness was the Duke Leto Atreides. Yet, many facts open the way to this Duke: his abiding love for his Bene Gesserit lady; the dreams he held for his son; the devotion with which men served him. You see him there—a man snared by Destiny, a lonely figure with his light dimmed behind the glory of his son. Still, one must ask: What is the son but an extension of the father?”

Frank Herbert

“I see the signs!” Jessica snapped. “My question was meant to remind you that you should not try to teach me those matters in which I instructed you.” Paul”

Frank Herbert

“the proximity of a desirable thing tempts one to overindulgence.”

Frank Herbert

“It was another of the essential ingredients that she felt her son needed: people with a goal. Such people would be easy to imbue with fervor and fanaticism. They could be wielded like a sword to win back Paul’s place for him.”

Frank Herbert

“That which makes a man superhuman is terrifying.”

Frank Herbert

“Have you heard the latest word from Arrakis?” the Baron asked. “No, Uncle.” Feyd-Rautha forced himself not to look back. He turned down the hall out of the servants’ wing. “They’ve a new prophet or religious leader of some kind among the Fremen,” the Baron said. “They call him Muad’Dib. Very funny, really. It means ‘the Mouse.’ I’ve told Rabban to let them have their religion. It’ll keep them occupied.”

Frank Herbert

“Any man who retreats into a cave which has only one opening deserves to die.”

Frank Herbert

“Scientists seek the lawfulness of events. It is the task of Religion to fit man into this lawfulness.”

Frank Herbert

“Gurney says there’s no artistry in killing with the tip, that it should be done with the edge.”

Frank Herbert

“Paul swallowed. He felt that he played a part already played over countless times in his mind…yet…there were differences. He could see himself perched on a dizzying summit, having experienced much and possessed of a profound store of knowledge, but all around him was abyss. And again he remembered the vision of fanatic legions following the green and black banner of the Atreides, pillaging and burning across the universe in the name of their prophet Muad’Dib. That must not happen, he told himself.”

Frank Herbert

“He who controls the spice controls the universe.”

Frank Herbert

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