General Riddles

A calendar year has how many seconds?
12 (2nd January, 2nd February, 2nd March.....)

The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?

I am pronounced with only one letter but written with three letters. Two different letters are used to write me. My color varies from black, blue, green, brown, grey etc. Who am I?

Swap one letter from each of the words "Right" and "Blight" to make two related words.
Light and Bright.

If there are 8 chocolates and you take away 5, how many do you have?
5 of course. If you take 5, what else do you expect to have?

Fill in the sequence: 10 10 22 9 24 8 26 ?
7 Explanation: There are two series - 20, 22, 24, 26 and 10, 9, 8, 7.

What is the closest relationship my son can have has with my brother's niece's father's brother's mother?
She can be my son's grandmother.

Sam's son is the brother of the only sister of Andrew. Dorothy, the only daughter of Sam, has only two brothers. What is the relation between Sam and Andrew?
Sam is Andrew's father.

When I am open I am U-shaped but when I am closed I am V-shaped. Who am I?

An American woman living in Australia was refused a burial in India. Why?
Living people can't be buried, isn't it!

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