General Riddles

I am a two digit even number. I am a square of a number, and also a cube of another number. Who am I?

If it took fifteen men ten days to build a tower, how long would it take four men to build it?
No time at all, as the tower it is already built!

A ladder hangs over the side of a ship anchored in a port. The bottom rung touches the water. The distance between rungs is 20 cm and the length of the ladder is 180 cm. The tide is rising at the rate of 15 cm each hour. When will the water reach the seventh rung from the top?
If the tide is raising water, then it is raising the ship on water, too. So water will reach still the first rung.

Find out the difference between 18°C and 64.4°F.
Zero degree

Which weighs more, a pound of feathers or a pound of bricks?
Neither, they both weigh one pound.

Sam's son is the brother of the only sister of Andrew. Dorothy, the only daughter of Sam, has only two brothers. What is the relation between Sam and Andrew?
Sam is Andrew's father.

I have just one, but with eight to spare, I am usually friendly, but I sometimes act like I don't care. What am I?
A cat (9 lives).

You can find me in the middle of each month in all the countries. You can always find me only in the night but never in the day.
The alphabet "N".

I cannot speak but I tell everything. I am not a tree but I have leaves. I have hinges but I am neither a door nor a window. Who am I?

I have one letter but my name is spelled with eight. What am I?

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