“Gratitude can transform any situation. It alters your vibration moving you from negative energy to positive”

Oprah Winfrey

“We are not Human Beings experiencing spiritual lives, we are spiritual beings experiencing human lives.”

Oprah Winfrey

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. / Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.”

Oprah Winfrey

“Live your best life!” 

Oprah Winfrey

“Challenges are gifts that force us to search for a new center of gravity. Don't fight them. Just find a new way to stand.”

Oprah Winfrey

“The great courageous act that we must all do, is to have the courage to step out of our history and past so that we can live our dreams.”

Oprah Winfrey

“If you want your life to be more rewarding, you have to change the way you think.”

Oprah Winfrey

“What I learned for sure was that holding the shame was the greatest burden of all. When you have nothing to be ashamed of, when you know who you are and what you stand for, you stand in wisdom.”

Oprah Winfrey

“I have read more about Oprah Winfrey’s ass than I have about the rise of China as an economic superpower. I fear this is no exaggeration. Perhaps China is rising as an economic superpower because its women aren’t spending all their time reading about Oprah Winfrey’s ass.”

Oprah Winfrey

“In the mist of Difficulty lies Opportunity.”

Oprah Winfrey

“When I didn't have friends, I had books.”

Oprah Winfrey

“Education is the key to unlocking the world, a passport to freedom.”

Oprah Winfrey

“If you neglect to recharge a battery, it dies. And if you run full speed ahead without stopping for water, you lose momentum to finish the race.”

Oprah Winfrey

“By the time I was 17, I was working in radio, making $100 a week. And that’s when I made my peace with money. I decided that no matter what job I ever did, I wanted that same feeling I got when I first started in radio—the feeling of I love this so much, even if you didn’t pay me I’d show up every day, on time and happy to be here. I recognized then what I know now for sure: If you can get paid for doing what you love, every paycheck is a bonus. Give yourself the bonus of a lifetime: Pursue your passion. Discover what you love. Then do it!”

Oprah Winfrey

“What I know for sure is that every day brings a chance for you to draw in a breath, kick off your shoes, and step out and dance—to live free of regret and filled with as much joy, fun, and laughter as you can stand. You can either waltz boldly onto the stage of life and live the way you know your spirit is nudging you to, or you can sit quietly by the wall, receding into the shadows of fear and self-doubt.

Oprah Winfrey

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