“As long as we are on this earth, we possess dual citizenship. On one hand we owe allegiance to our nation and are called to be good citizens. But we are also citizens of the kingdom of God. Our supreme loyalty is to Him.”

Billy Graham

“Christianity cannot expect the world to live the truths of the Gospel until it has the life that the Gospel provides in Christ. We Christians ought to be light and salt in the society in which we live.”

Billy Graham

“All around you are people whose lives are filled with trouble and sorrow, and they need your compassion and encouragement.”

Billy Graham

“Death is not the end of the road—it is merely a gateway to eternal life beyond the grave.” 

Billy Graham

“Worries flee before a spirit of gratitude.”

Billy Graham

“Grief turns us inward, but compassion turns us outward, and that’s what we need when grief threatens to crush us. The Bible says, “Carry each other’s burdens” [Galatians 6:2 NIV].”

Billy Graham

“No area of human life is so full of difficulties and heartaches as relationships. If you listed everything that upset you during the past week, I suspect most had to do with other people. People can be selfless and kind, but they can also be difficult, stubborn, ego-driven, thoughtless, mean, selfish, manipulative. But the problem is not just other people; it’s also ourselves.”

Billy Graham

“We should go to no place that we would not go in His Presence. But He is not with us just to judge or condemn us; He is near to comfort, protect, guide, encourage, strengthen, cleanse, and help.”

Billy Graham

“The fact that God is infinite makes the study of His Word a lifetime occupation.”

Billy Graham

“Jesus demonstrated the importance of prayer by His own example. His whole ministry was saturated with prayer.”

Billy Graham

“Death is not a trip, but a destination.” 

Billy Graham

“In the face of legalized pornography, the conscience of America seems to be paralyzed. More serious than our fakery in art, literature, and pictures is the collapse of our moral standards and the blunting of our capacity as a nation for righteous indignation.”

Billy Graham

“Jesus worked all His life. But the greatest work that Jesus did was not in the carpenter’s shop . . .His greatest work was achieved in those three dark hours on Calvary . . . dying for us.”

Billy Graham

“Believers need the gift of discernment, or at least respect for the opinions of those who have it . . .believers are to test the various spirits and doctrines that abound. Most of all we are to test them against the standard of the Word of God.” 

Billy Graham

“After you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation . . . having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession.”

Billy Graham

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