“By the 1960s the United States had a new ruling class—the teenager!”

Billy Graham

“When we come to Christ, God calls us out of this world’s sin and confusion. But then He sends us back into the world—not to share any longer in its sin and spiritual darkness, but to bear witness to the light of Christ.”

Billy Graham

“Just as America has grown and prospered within the framework of our Constitution, so Christianity has flourished and spread according to the laws set forth in the Bible.”

Billy Graham

“Jesus Christ spoke frankly to His disciples concerning the future . . .In unmistakable language He told them that discipleship means a life of self-denial, and the bearing of a cross.”

Billy Graham

“Sometimes life touches one person with a bouquet and another with a thorn bush, But the first may find a wasp in the flowers, and the second may discover roses among the thorns.”

Billy Graham

“Have you fallen into the world’s trap, following its self-indulgent goals and driven by its self-centered motives? It can happen without you even being aware of it. Make sure Christ is first in your life, and make it your goal to live according to His Word.”

Billy Graham

“The cult of self has become an addiction—feeding off the ego of self-glorification. The word cult encompasses many movements and ideas, but simply put, it describes a culture of alternative beliefs, fads, and trends, and tampers with just enough truth to knock many off balance.”

Billy Graham

“Do you want to know what God’s will is for you? It is for you to become more and more like Christ. This is spiritual maturity, and if you make this your goal, it will change your life.”

Billy Graham

“When my decision for Christ was made . . . I knelt in prayer. I opened my heart and knew for the first time the sweetness and joy of God, of truly being born again . . .I knew in my heart that I was somehow different and changed. That night absolutely changed the direction of my life.”

Billy Graham

“Perversion is considered a biological abnormality rather than a sin. These things are contrary to the teaching of God’s Word. And God has not changed. His standards have not been lowered. God still calls immorality a sin and the Bible says God is going to judge it.”

Billy Graham

“Don’t give Satan a foothold, but discipline yourself to stay close to God. He alone is your security.”

Billy Graham

“Knowing we will be with Christ forever far outweighs our burdens today! Keep your eyes on eternity!”

Billy Graham

“The greatest tribute a boy can give to his father is to say, “When I grow up, I want to be just like my dad.” It is a convicting responsibility for us fathers and grandfathers.”

Billy Graham

“The devil is the god of this world and he has blinded our eyes.”

Billy Graham

“We see ourselves as self-sufficient, self-important, and self-sustaining. God sees us as dependent, self-centered, and self-deceived.”

Billy Graham

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