“In the Bible God speaks to us; in prayer we speak to God. Both are essential.”

Billy Graham

“Bible teaching about the Second Coming of Christ was thought of as “doomsday” preaching. But not anymore. It is the only ray of hope that shines as an ever brightening beam in a darkening world.”

Billy Graham

“The devil will try to discourage you, to divert you; he will seek to dilute your testimony; he will attempt anything to destroy your relationship to Christ and your influence upon others.”

Billy Graham

“Christ never told his disciples that they would get an Academy Award for their performances, but He did tell them to expect to have troubles.”

Billy Graham

“Abraham Lincoln said, “I am profitably engaged in reading the Bible. Take all of this Book upon reason that you can and the balance upon faith, and you will live and die a better man.” Coleridge said he believed the Bible to be the Word of God because, as he put it, “It finds me.” “If you want encouragement,” John Bunyan wrote, “entertain the promises.”

Billy Graham

“Sin diverts some. Pleasure diverts others. Social service and “religious” activity divert others. We are told to be occupied with Jesus Christ Himself.”

Billy Graham

“Amazing things can happen when the family of God bands together.”

Billy Graham

“How often do we lie simply because we are trying to build ourselves up in the eyes of others? How often do we gossip because we want to appear “in the know,”or because we are trying to make ourselves appear better than someone else? The Bible's command is clear: [“Have regard for good things in the sight of all men” (Romans 12:17 NKJV)].”

Billy Graham

“Every area of our lives is to be under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. And that means the searchlight of God’s Word must penetrate every corner of our lives.”

Billy Graham

“During all my years as an evangelist, my message has always been the Gospel of Christ. It is not a Western religion, nor is it a message of one culture or political system . , .it is a message of life and hope for all the world.

Billy Graham

“May our prayers today—and every day—be from our hearts and with the focus of our whole being!”

Billy Graham

“[Satan] has hundreds of agents writing pornographic literature and producing sex movies to pollute [the mind]. He has intellectuals in high positions teaching a hedonistic and permissive philosophy . . .They lack an anchor for their real self.” 

Billy Graham

“Old age is Satan’s last chance to blow us off course.”

Billy Graham

“The whole world ought to know the story of the Bible.”

Billy Graham

“The Bible says a great deal about entire families coming to Christ. Rahab the harlot . . . the Philippian jailer . . . and Cornelius, the Roman centurion. That could be true in your family too. You may be the one who could lead your family to Christ.”

Billy Graham

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