“Repentance is mentioned seventy times in the New Testament . . . the Bible says God commands repentance . . . it is a command . . . God says, “Repent! Or perish!”

Billy Graham

“Don’t let hatred control you, no matter what others do that causes [anger]. You would only become guilty of the same sin that afflicts them, and nothing would be solved.”

Billy Graham

“The great flaw in the American economic system has finally been revealed: an unrealistic faith in the power of prosperity rather than in the ultimate power and benevolence of God.”

Billy Graham

“On the cross Christ took upon Himself every sin we’ve ever committed—including anger.”

Billy Graham

“You cannot pray for someone and hate them at the same time. Even if you are asking God to restrain their evil actions, you should also be praying that He will change their hearts. Only eternity will reveal the impact of our prayers for others.”

Billy Graham

“Satan does not care how much you theorize about Christianity or how much you profess to know Christ. What he opposes vigorously is the way you live Christ.”

Billy Graham

“Evil and suffering are real . . . They aren’t an illusion, nor are they simply an absence of good. We are fallen creatures living in a fallen world that has been twisted and corrupted by sin, and we all share in its brokenness. Most of all, we share in its tragic legacy of disease and death.”

Billy Graham

“Jesus made everything so simple and we have made it so complicated. He spoke to the people in short sentences and everyday words, illustrating His messages with never-to-be forgotten stories.”

Billy Graham

“World events are moving very rapidly now. I pick up the Bible in one hand, and I pick up the newspaper in the other. And I read almost the same words in the newspaper as I read in the Bible. It’s being fulfilled every day round about us.”

Billy Graham

“Most of us do not understand nuclear fission, but we accept it . . . Why is it so easy to accept manmade miracles and so difficult to accept the miracles of the Bible?”

Billy Graham

“I missed the joy of seeing our children grow and change. I thank God for watching over them during those years.”

Billy Graham

“We have a mandate to speak out against “the sin that so easily entangles” [Hebrews 12:1 NIV]; for though we are not of the world, we are still in it.”

Billy Graham

“You can put a public school and university in the middle of every block of every city in America—but you will never keep America from rotting morally by mere intellectual education.”

Billy Graham

“Nothing seems to satisfy. Not politics, not education, not material goods. Some who refuse to turn their hearts toward God have created the New Age movement, with all of its aberrations. This is actually not new but only the latest attempt by man to place something other than Christ inside himself in a futile attempt to satisfy spiritual longings.”

Billy Graham

“Itinerant evangelists are the most important ambassadors and messengers on earth. They are a mighty army, spreading out across the world with a vision to reach their own people for Christ.”

Billy Graham

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