“If God were to eradicate all evil from this planet, He would have to eradicate all evil men. Who would be exempt? “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” [Romans 3:23 NIV]. God would rather transform the evil man than eradicate him.”

Billy Graham

“In the face of legalized pornography, the conscience of America seems to be paralyzed. More serious than our fakery in art, literature, and pictures is the collapse of our moral standards and the blunting of our capacity as a nation for righteous indignation.”

Billy Graham

“The church is far greater than [a building or denomination]. It includes the whole family of God—that vast unseen fellowship of men and women throughout the ages who belong to Christ. Paul wrote of “God’s household, which is the church of the living God” [1 Timothy 3:15 NIV).”

Billy Graham

“If we are at peace with this world, it may be because we have sold out to it and compromised with it.”

Billy Graham

“Christians should be a foreign influence, a minority group in a pagan world.”

Billy Graham

“God can use the fear that grips the hearts of men today to point them to eternal truths—the truth of God’s eternal judgment, and the truth of His eternal love.”

Billy Graham

“Perversion is considered a biological abnormality rather than a sin. These things are contrary to the teaching of God’s Word. And God has not changed. His standards have not been lowered. God still calls immorality a sin and the Bible says God is going to judge it.”

Billy Graham

“Integrity means that we are trustworthy and dependable, and our character is above reproach.”

Billy Graham

“Becoming “new” in Christ is a wonderful beginning, but it isn’t the end of pain or problems in our lives. It is the beginning of our facing up to them. Being a Christian involves a lifetime of hard work, dedicated study, and difficult decisions.”

Billy Graham

“Those you know the least may need your prayers the most. Don’t let the fact that you don’t know someone keep you from praying for them.”

Billy Graham

“[God the Spirit] will never lead you contrary to the Word of God. I hear people saying, “The Lord led me to do this . . .” I am always a little suspicious unless what the Lord has said is in keeping with His Word.”

Billy Graham

“Christianity is not an insurance policy against life’s ills and troubles.”

Billy Graham

“Your eyes should never be lent to the devil; they belong to God. Be careful how you use your eyes!”

Billy Graham

“The deepest problems of the human race are spiritual in nature. They are rooted in man’s refusal to seek God’s way for his life. The problem is the human heart, which God alone can change.”

Billy Graham

“The way in which we react to hurts and disappointments influences the shaping of our personalities.”

Billy Graham

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