“Moses had a choice of following God or reveling in the pleasures of Egypt. As heir to the throne of Egypt, he enjoyed luxury; he didn’t desire to suffer or sacrifice any more than we do, but he chose to follow God. “He chose to be mistreated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a short time”

Billy Graham

“Jesus indicated that there will be a permissive society just before He comes back . . . the world today is on an immoral binge such as has not been known since the days of Rome. We are in a hedonistic society, and what we are seeing is human nature expressing itself without God.”

Billy Graham

“Is it any wonder that fear and anxiety have become the hallmarks of our age?”

Billy Graham

“When our faith becomes nothing more than a series of rules and regulations, joy flees and our love for Christ grows cold.”

Billy Graham

“Money takes our minds off God.”

Billy Graham

“Many parents preach to their children but do not set good examples. Parents want the children to do as they say, not as they do.”

Billy Graham

“A prayerless Christian is a powerless Christian.”

Billy Graham

“The architect of popular culture is none other than Satan. He is the chief designer and chief marketer, and he has been branding worldliness since the beginning of time. His methods are shifty and constantly in motion, changing fads and trends to keep the world running in circles, trying to keep up with the latest and greatest.”

Billy Graham

“Satan’s method has often been to imitate God. Satan is still using this form of deception, and often his representatives are being disguised as ministers of righteousness.”

Billy Graham

“The church isn’t just a particular building or congregation but the spiritual fellowship of all who belong to Jesus Christ. If we belong to Christ, we also belong to each other.”

Billy Graham

“Jesus Christ was the Master Realist when He urged men to prepare for death, which was certain to come. Do not worry, said the Lord Jesus, about the death of the body, but rather concern yourself with the eternal death of the soul.”

Billy Graham

“Death of the righteous . . . is not to be feared or shunned. It is the shadowed threshold to the palace of God.”

Billy Graham

“The Christian’s journey through life isn’t a sprint but a marathon.”

Billy Graham

“Deep down inside I knew something was different . . . I wanted to tell others what had happened to me. I didn’t have any tears, I didn’t have any emotion, I didn’t hear any thunder, there was no lightning . . . but . . . I made my decision for Christ.”

Billy Graham

“It has been said there was a cross in the heart of God long before the cross was erected at Calvary. As we think about it we will be overwhelmed at the wonder and greatness of His love for us.”

Billy Graham

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