“[God the Spirit] will never lead you contrary to the Word of God. I hear people saying, “The Lord led me to do this . . .” I am always a little suspicious unless what the Lord has said is in keeping with His Word.”

Billy Graham

“I am convinced that when a man sincerely searches for God with all his heart, God will reveal Himself in some way.”

Billy Graham

“Our voices, our service, and our abilities are to be employed, primarily, for the glory of God.”

Billy Graham

“America is said to have the highest per capita boredom of any spot on earth! We know that because we have the greatest variety and greatest number of artificial amusements of any country. People have become so empty that they can’t even entertain themselves.”

Billy Graham

“Jesus indicated that there will be a permissive society just before He comes back . . . the world today is on an immoral binge such as has not been known since the days of Rome. We are in a hedonistic society, and what we are seeing is human nature expressing itself without God.”

Billy Graham

“The angel of the LORD encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them. PSALM 34:7”

Billy Graham

“I have never known anyone to accept Christ’s redemption and later regret it.”

Billy Graham

“A great problem in America is that we have an anemic and watered-down Christianity that has produced an anemic, watered-down, and spineless Christian who is not willing to stand up and be counted on every issue.”

Billy Graham

“If you don’t take your stand for Christ, you will be on the wrong side, and someday when it is too late, you’ll cry out, “I’ve taken the wrong stand!” You’ll be in the devil’s trap! You can’t lick the devil.”

Billy Graham

“Evil and suffering are real . . . They aren’t an illusion, nor are they simply an absence of good. We are fallen creatures living in a fallen world that has been twisted and corrupted by sin, and we all share in its brokenness. Most of all, we share in its tragic legacy of disease and death.”

Billy Graham

“If evil were not made to appear attractive, there would be no such thing as temptation. It is in the close similarity between good and evil, right and wrong, that the danger lies.”

Billy Graham

“Honesty means exactly what it says. We are honest and trustworthy in all our dealings. People can trust our word, because we refuse to lie or shade the truth.”

Billy Graham

“Unless men of purpose, integrity, and faith stand together in unswerving loyalty to Jesus Christ, the future of the world is dark indeed.”

Billy Graham

“It is man and not the Bible that needs correcting. Greater and more careful scholarship has shown that apparent contradictions were caused by incorrect translations, rather than divine inconsistencies.”

Billy Graham

“God’s holiness demands that sin be punished—but God’s love has provided the way of redemption through Christ.”

Billy Graham

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