General Idioms
On the same page
Meaning: having similar thoughts
Up a creek without a paddle
Meaning: in a bad situation
Inside scoop
Meaning: the details
I’ll toss it around
Meaning: to casually suggest an idea to people
Lend a hand
Meaning: help someone out
Stay on track
Meaning: to stay focused on the goal
Get over it
Meaning: forget about the past
Don't sweat it
Meaning: don’t worry about it
Rally the troops
Meaning: to gather friends together
Pull the plug
Meaning: to end something/someone
Let it ride
Meaning to allow something to remain as it is
Let’s boogie on out
Meaning et’s all leave together
Let’s bounce
Meaning to leave
Locked in
Meaning to give full concentration too
Low down
Meaning to receive the full story
No big deal
Meaning no need to worry
On the same page
Meaning having similar thoughts
Out of nowhere
Meaning unexpected
Out of the blue
Meaning unexpected
Pull the plug
Meaning to end something/someone