General Idioms

Don't sweat it
Meaning: don’t worry about it

Stick with your goal/stick with it
Meaning: to continue doing something

Something’s fishy
Meaning: something’s strange

To touch base
Meaning: to contact someone

Inside scoop
Meaning: the details

Have stumbled upon
Meaning: to accidentally discover something

Driving me bananas
Meaning: making me feel crazy

Let it ride
Meaning: to allow something to remain as it is

Pull the plug
Meaning: to end something/someone

Since day one
Meaning: for a long time

Idioms by Category


Draw the line
Meaning the point where you decide not to do something

Driving me bananas
Meaning making me feel crazy

Easier said than done
Meaning easy to say, but hard to actually do

Fill in the blanks
Meaning figure out the rest on your own

Get on the ball
Meaning to get focused on the goal

Get out of town
Meaning I don't believe you

Get over it
Meaning forget about the past

Gone off track
Meaning forgot about your future goal

Hands down
Meaning for certain the right answer

Hang on a second
Meaning wait for a moment

Phrasal Verbs

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