General Riddles

End always begins with me. Time, space and universe always end with me. Who am I?
The letter 'E'.

I am very fragile. I crack easily. If you cry in front of me, I too start crying. If you smile at me, then I too smile back. Who am I?

Which number can you put to fill in the sequence? 23 1 3 25 16 20 6 9 20 ?
19 Explanation: Position of first letter of the words in the question in alphabets.

Some might say we are red some might say we are green. Some play us some spray us and sometimes our color is in between. What am we?

I am an English word. I have three consecutive double letters. Who am I?

When you buy me I am black in color. When you use me I am red and when you discard me I am grey in color. Who am I?

Little John has a habit of throwing things whenever he gets angry. One day he throws a toy of his and it again comes back to him without bouncing off anything. How did this happen?
John had thrown the toy straight up in the air.

The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?

He has married many women, but has never been married. Who is he?
A priest.

Tim came second in Math. When his mother asked him how much he had scored, he answered that he got the sum of the first 9 even numbers. His mother immediately worked out the answer. How much had he scored in Math?
90 Explanation: Sum = (n x n) + n Hence, 9 x 9 = 81 + 9 = 90

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