General Riddles

Let us imagine that you are standing at the southern-most point of the earth. Now on the eastern side of that point is an island and on the western side of that point is a lake. Which one is closer to you - the island or the lake - and why?
Neither of the two because when you are standing at the southern-most point of the earth, all directions are north.

Does the government of Texas permit a man to marry his widow's sister?
No question of legitimacy, because the man is already dead!

I have keys but can't open any lock, I have space but no room. Who am I?

I'm sometimes white, But most often I'm black. I take you there, But never bring you back. What am I?
A hearse.

How many pairs of animals did Moses take with him on his Ark to save the world's animals from the Great Flood?
It was not Moses, but Noah, who built an Ark to save the world's animals from the Great Flood.

Fill in the blanks in the following sentence with an anagram: Almost a _________ started between two brothers to decide who will use their father's _________.
battle and tablet.

A grandfather, a father and 2 sons were having tea in the garden. But there are only 3 cups on the table. Justify how.
Grandfather is the father of one son and he himself also has one son. That makes two fathers and two sons.

Feed me and I live, yet give me a drink and I die.

He has married many women, but has never been married. Who is he?
A priest.

I am transparent. You can see and feel me, but you cannot hold me. I always take the shape of my container. Who am I?

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