General Idioms

Can’t stand (something)
Meaning: to dislike something

A blessing in disguise
Meaning: seems bad, but it's actually good

On the same page
Meaning: having similar thoughts

Check out that
Meaning: give that a look

Spur of the moment
Meaning: to make a random decision

Leading someone on
Meaning: having someone believe something that isn't true

The stars have aligned
Meaning: the moment is right

Throw an idea around
Meaning: casually suggest an idea

No big deal
Meaning: no need to worry

Time flies
Meaning: time passes by fast

Idioms by Category


Hang out
Meaning spend time with a friend

Have stumbled upon
Meaning to accidentally discover something

Hit the books
Meaning to study

Hold your horses
Meaning wait/calm down

How’s it going?
Meaning How are you?

I made a key decision
Meaning make an important decision

I was knocked on my heels
Meaning I was surprised

I’ll toss it around
Meaning to casually suggest an idea to people

I’m feeling blue
Meaning to feel sad

I’m out
Meaning I'm leaving

Phrasal Verbs

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