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Submit Biography of Arnold Schwarzenegger

“I’d closed my ears to my friends’ horror stories about married life. “Ha! Now you get to argue about who should change the diapers.” Or “What kind of food makes a woman stop giving blow jobs? Wedding cake!” Or “Oh boy, wait until she hits menopause.” I paid no attention to any of that. “Just let me stumble into it,” I told them. “I don’t want to be forewarned.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

“I saw a woman wearing a sweatshirt with Guess on it. I said, thyroid problem?”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

“I was striving to be the most muscular man, and it got me into the movies. It got me everything that I have.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

“All I know is that the first step is to create a vision, because when you see the vision – the beautiful vision – that creates the want power.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

“Always keep in mind that training stimulates growth, but that actual growth takes place while you are resting.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

“The better you get, the less you run around showing off as a muscle guy. You know, you wear regular shirts-not always trying to show off what you have. You talk less about it. It's like you have a little BMW - you want to race the hell out of this car, because you know it's just going 110. But if you see guys driving a ferrari or a lamborghini, they slide around at 60 on the freeway because they know if they press on that accelerator they are going to go 170. These things are the same in every field.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

“From the bodybuilding days on, I learned that everything is reps and mileage. The more miles you ski, the better a skier you become; the more reps you do, the better your body.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

“It took many months in court, but the tabloid eventually published a total retraction and paid substantial damages in an out-of-court settlement. The money went to the Special Olympics in Great Britain.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

“Early to bed, early to rise, work like hell, and advertise.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

“I think that gay marriage is something that should be between a man and a woman.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

“As we get older the muscle structure tends to atrophy at a faster and faster rate. The ideal remedy for this is bodybuilding.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

“Marijuana... That's not a drug, that's a plant.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

“Because lower-back pain afflicts more than three-quarters of all Americans at some point, the sit-up is fairly universally contraindicated.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

“I didn't mind basic training. It taught me that something that seems impossible at the start can be achieved.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

“I do the same exercises I did 50 years ago and they still work. I eat the same food I ate 50 years ago and it still works.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

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