“Ah, Hah! But you see, Baron, I know as a Mentat when you will send the executioner. You will hold back just so long as I am useful. To move sooner would be wasteful and I'm yet of much use. I know what it is you learned from that lovely Dune planet - waste not? True, Baron?

Frank Herbert

“The test of a man isn’t what you think he’ll do. It’s what he actually does.”

Frank Herbert

“If you rely only on your eyes, your other senses weaken.”

Frank Herbert

“There are proven ways to win the loyalty of tough, strong, ferocious men: play on the certain knowledge of their superiority, the mystique of secret covenant, the esprit of shared suffering.”

Frank Herbert

“Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”

Frank Herbert

“Time could be made to serve the mind.”

Frank Herbert

“sift people to find the humans.”

Frank Herbert

“Then you should just go take one,” Hawat sneered. “Yes,” the Fremen said. “We took one. We have it hidden where Stilgar can study it for Liet and where Liet can see it for himself if he wishes. But I doubt he’ll want to: the weapon is not a very good one. Poor design for Arrakis.” “You…took one?” Hawat asked. “It was a good fight,” the Fremen said. “We lost only two men and spilled the water from more than a hundred of theirs.” There were Sardaukar at every gun, Hawat thought. This desert madman speaks casually of losing only two men against Sardaukar!”

Frank Herbert

“His voice was low, charged with unspeakable adjectives.”

Frank Herbert

“Try looking into that place where you dare not look! You'll find me there, staring out at you!”

Frank Herbert

“Then came the Butlerian Jihad—two generations of chaos. The god of machine-logic was overthrown among the masses and a new concept was raised: “Man may not be replaced.” Those”

Frank Herbert

“Black is a blind remembering, she thought. You listen for pack sounds, for the cries of those who hunted your ancestors in a past so ancient only your most primitive cells remember. The ears see. The nostrils see.”

Frank Herbert

“Be prepared to appreciate what you meet.”

Frank Herbert

“What is important for a leader is that which makes him a leader. It is the needs of his people.”

Frank Herbert

“Prophets have a way of dying by violence.”

Frank Herbert

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