General Riddles

I have three wings. At times I have 4 wings but still I cannot fly. I can rotate but I can't move from one place to other. People always relax in my company. Who am I?
Ceiling Fan

What can you catch but not throw?

Sam's son is the brother of the only sister of Andrew. Dorothy, the only daughter of Sam, has only two brothers. What is the relation between Sam and Andrew?
Sam is Andrew's father.

I start with T and end with T and have T in me. Who am I?

You need to spend a night in a building where there is no power. There are three rooms in this building. On the door of each room there are three different signs. One says "Lions Inside - anyone goes inside becomes their supper", the second one says "Open the door and a machine gun starts firing" and the third one says "Electric Room - touch anything and you will die". Which room would you choose?
Electric Room. Explanation:: There is no power in the building.

Who makes it, has no need of it. Who buys it, has no use for it. Who uses it can neither see nor feel it. What is it?
A coffin.

I help you in fixing your appointments and important schedules. You use me everyday several times. Still you keep on changing me every month. Who am I?
A Calendar

A rooster was injected with strong fertility inducing injections that could yield an average production of 10 score eggs over a period of 10 months. How many eggs would it deliver in a single day?
A rooster does not deliver eggs, it's the hen who does that!

Adam is 13 years old in 1980. In 1985 he is 8 years old. How?
The dates are in BC (Before Christ).

On an average, how many birthdays do men on earth have?
1, just one! It is the day when we hit the earth. It is a different story that we celebrate our birthday every year, which actually implies Anniversary.

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