General Riddles

I have three wings. At times I have 4 wings but still I cannot fly. I can rotate but I can't move from one place to other. People always relax in my company. Who am I?
Ceiling Fan

Why did the boy go to his bedroom with a pencil?
He wanted to draw the curtains.

People use me to keep themselves clean. I get slimmer whenever I do some work. After my workout is over people need water. Who am I?
A bar of soap.

I have four sides. Anyone can calculate my area if they come to know the length of any one side of mine. I have four right angles within me. Which shape am I?

The anagram of this phrase is an instrument used in the orchestra. What is it? A bliss nectar
Bass clarinet

I have a mouth but I can't speak, I can run but I can't walk. Who am I?

If you have me, you want to share me. If you share me, you haven't got me. What am I?

I'm the start of nothing and the end of sun and I'm also in the number one What am I?
The letter "N".

A tunnel is 650m long. How far can a horse run into the tunnel if the horse is running at a speed of 10km/hr?
325m Explanation: After that the horse is running out of the tunnel.

Fill in the sequence: 1 5 9 15 ?
21 Explanation: Position of the vowels a e i o u.

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