General Riddles

I am deaf, dumb and blind. But I am very shiny and always speak the truth. Who am I?

Once upon a time there were two neighbors - one very rich and the other quite poor. Both were singers. While the rich man would sing in concerts, the poor man used to sing by the roadside. The rich man had this tendency to ridicule the poor man for his singing abilities. Once the poor man got infuriated and challenged the rich man that he knew all the songs in the world and could sing any existing song with whatever names the rich man could give. The rich man decided to take up the challenge and to make it more exciting promised the poor man that he would give all his wealth to him if he could really do so. He gave him the names of his four children - Jack, Jonathan, Williams and Harry. The poor man sang and got all the wealth of the rich man. What song did he sing?
"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Jack. Happy birthday to you!" "Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Jonathan. Happy birthday to you!" "Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Williams. Happy birthday to you!" "Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Harry. Happy birthday to you!" "Happy birthday to you" - is an existing song and can be sung with any name of the world.

There was a green house. Inside the green house there was a white house. Inside the white house there was a red house. Inside the red house there were lots of babies. What is it?

Some months have 31 days, some have 30 days, how many months in the Gregorian calendar have 28?
All the 12 months!

I start with T and end with T and have T in me. Who am I?

I am so fragile that even if anybody says my name I break. Who am I?

What is at the end of a rainbow?
The letter W.

A tunnel is 650m long. How far can a horse run into the tunnel if the horse is running at a speed of 10km/hr?
325m Explanation: After that the horse is running out of the tunnel.

Adam is 13 years old in 1980. In 1985 he is 8 years old. How?
The dates are in BC (Before Christ).

A headless man had a letter to write; It was read by a man who had lost his sight. The dumb repeated it word for word; And deaf was he who listened and heard. Solve this riddle.
The letter in question is the letter "O". It is zero. The man had nothing to write. The blind could read nothing. The person who was dumb could repeat nothing. The deaf man listened and heard nothing.

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