“missing, intangible, undefinable “something” that we only know exists because we don’t seem to have it. “Something to do” represents the investment of the most precious commodity that we all have—our time. We all have the same amount of hours and minutes each day. Success and happiness hang in the balance based upon how”

Jim Stovall

“whether you’re missing”

Jim Stovall

“Instead of looking to find a friend, seek situations where you can be a friend, and you will always find what you are looking for.”

Jim Stovall

“What we all seek is not necessarily success but our own comfort zone.”

Jim Stovall

“Love is a treasure for which we can never pay. The only way we keep it is to give it away.”

Jim Stovall

“Remember that a wish held fervently turns into belief, and a belief held diligently becomes reality.”

Jim Stovall

“Some people are born into wonderful families. Others have to find or create them. Being a member of a family is a priceless privilege which costs nothing but love.”

Jim Stovall

“I have always found it ironic that the people in this world who have the most to be thankful for are often the least thankful, and somehow the people who have virtually nothing, many times live lives full of gratitude.”

Jim Stovall

“Integrity is doing the right thing, even if no one is watching.”

Jim Stovall

“write books, make speeches, produce movies, or even submit a weekly column with the thought of making people’s lives better, stand atop the giant shoulders of Napoleon Hill. Anyone who has written a self-help or personal-development book in the last 75 years enjoyed an advantage that Napoleon Hill never had. We have all benefited”

Jim Stovall

“Only when we try to understand one another's suffering can we begin to bring each other joy.”

Jim Stovall

“experience, and most of those experiences are painful and costly. If you can learn from someone else’s pain and expense, you are a wise person, indeed. I would encourage you to read this book, cover-to-cover, but also keep it as a reference text using the sections and individual columns as a resource you can revisit as your life journey calls for specific wisdom. It is my hope that this is not a one-time encounter that you and I are having. My hope is, in the coming months and years as you travel toward your own personal”

Jim Stovall

“Every day is a gift because it can either be the first day of the rest of our life or be our last day here on earth.”

Jim Stovall

“There is absolutely nothing that can replace money in the things that money does, but regarding the rest of the things in the world, money is absolutely useless.”

Jim Stovall

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