“it is more important how you change the lives of those whom you touch every day than whether or not you change the world.”

Jim Stovall

“You will hear your heartbeat again when your life is in rhythm, and there is no doubt that you’re doing what you were made to do. That’s your heartbeat; that’s when you’re truly alive and not just existing”

Jim Stovall

“worth is more than money, and your value is far beyond what you realize. I have never believed that we are human beings seeking a spiritual experience. Instead, I believe that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. The most talented, gifted,”

Jim Stovall

“You need to be aware of what others are doing, applaud their efforts, ackowledge their successes, and encourage them in their pursuits. When we all help one another, everybody wins.”

Jim Stovall

“Integrity is doing the right thing, even if no one is watching.”

Jim Stovall

“Laughter is good medicine for the soul. Our world is desperately in need of more such medicine.”

Jim Stovall

“Success lies in the balance between seeking and striving on one hand and being peaceful and content on the other.”

Jim Stovall

“applying the message. A tremendous place to start is with any of Jim Stovall’s twenty books. Then apply the wisdom that Stovall shares as you read his books or articles. Should you have any question as to the author’s qualifications to impart wisdom, perhaps a little of his background will shed some light on the matter. Proverbs 27:19 tell us, “we become like those with whom we associate: a mirror reflects a man’s face, but what he is really like is shown by the kind of friends he chooses.” Jim Stovall chose wisely, being mentored by Lee Braxton an associate of Napoleon Hill. It was Lee Braxton”

Jim Stovall

“things in this life can be separated into two categories: Things that are valuable and things that matter.”

Jim Stovall

“In this life, there is nothing more powerful than a person who has seen the path to destiny within their soul and is willing to pursue it.”

Jim Stovall

“Every day is a gift because it can either be the first day of the rest of our life or be our last day here on earth.”

Jim Stovall

“gentlemen have leant their talent, time, and energy to this project. Please note that the columns appear here just as they were printed in publications around the world. Some of them are more than a decade old at this writing, but the wisdom is eternal, and the context creates points”

Jim Stovall

“Some people are born into wonderful families. Others have to find or create them. Being a member of a family is a priceless privilege which costs nothing but love.”

Jim Stovall

“Instead of looking to find a friend, seek situations where you can be a friend, and you will always find what you are looking for.”

Jim Stovall

“... sometimes in life, you either laugh or you cry. And I prefer to laugh.”

Jim Stovall

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