“Some people are born into wonderful families. Others have to find or create them. Being a member of a family is a priceless privilege which costs nothing but love.”

Jim Stovall

“Remember that a wish held fervently turns into belief, and a belief held diligently becomes reality.”

Jim Stovall

“In the end, a person is only known by the impact he or she has on others.”

Jim Stovall

“manageable problem. “If we are not allowed to deal with small problems, we will be destroyed by slightly larger ones. When we come to understand this fact, we live our lives not avoiding problems, but welcoming them as challenges that will strengthen us so that we can be victorious in the future.”

Jim Stovall

“The only way to truly get more out of life for yourself is to give part of yourself away.”

Jim Stovall

“whether you’re missing”

Jim Stovall

“In order to be truly happy in the largest sense of that word, we must have something to do, someone to love, and something to look forward to.”

Jim Stovall

“In this life, there is nothing more powerful than a person who has seen the path to destiny within their soul and is willing to pursue it.”

Jim Stovall

“I have always found it ironic that the people in this world who have the most to be thankful for are often the least thankful, and somehow the people who have virtually nothing, many times live lives full of gratitude.”

Jim Stovall

“Integrity is doing the right thing, even if no one is watching.”

Jim Stovall

“Love is a treasure for which we can never pay. The only way we keep it is to give it away.”

Jim Stovall

“write books, make speeches, produce movies, or even submit a weekly column with the thought of making people’s lives better, stand atop the giant shoulders of Napoleon Hill. Anyone who has written a self-help or personal-development book in the last 75 years enjoyed an advantage that Napoleon Hill never had. We have all benefited”

Jim Stovall

“that we would receive the overwhelming message that the vast majority of adults feel they have no talent in these areas. On the other hand, if we were to conduct the same poll among 4-year-olds, we would find that virtually all of them are convinced they can sing, and virtually all of them have confidence in their ability to dance. Most of the 4-year-olds have little or no real talent, but, instead, they are endowed with incredible confidence in their own potential. This confidence, or certainty of success, is something we were all born with but we later traded in for a strong dose of what we call realism. Shortly after we reach school age, we are taught lessons about the world that revolve around us, limiting our vision and becoming realistic.”

Jim Stovall

“Showing Respect Is not Slavery...and Must Be Taught”

Jim Stovall

“I defy you to find a statue or a monument ever erected to anyone because they were realistic. All dreamers, all achievers, all great people kept their child-like faith in their own dream and their ability to carry it out, and these great people had an inordinate gift to disregard the word's cries for reality.”

Jim Stovall

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