“A little rebellion now and then is a good thing.”

Thomas Jefferson

“The only security of all is in a free press.”

Thomas Jefferson

“That liberty [is pure] which is to go to all, and not to the few or the rich alone. (to Horatio Gates, 1798)”

Thomas Jefferson

“History, I believe, furnishes no example of a priest-ridden people maintaining a free civil government. This marks the lowest grade of ignorance of which their civil as well as religious leaders will always avail themselves for their own purposes.”

Thomas Jefferson

“No government ought to be without censors; and where the press is free no one ever will.”

Thomas Jefferson

“I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past.”

Thomas Jefferson

“A government which can be felt; a government of energy. God send that our country may never have a government, which it can feel.”

Thomas Jefferson

“The probable accumulation of the surpluses of revenue beyond what can be applied to the payment of the public debt... merits the consideration of Congress. Shall it lie unproductive in the public vaults?...Or shall it rather be appropriated to the improvements of roads, canals, rivers, education, and other great foundations of prosperity and union”

Thomas Jefferson

“All are dead, and ourselves left alone amidst a new generation whom we know not, and who know us not.”

Thomas Jefferson

“Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.”

Thomas Jefferson

“The principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale.”

Thomas Jefferson

“I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it.”

Thomas Jefferson

“I am certainly not an advocate for frequent and untried changes in laws and constitutions...but I know also that laws and constitutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind.....”

Thomas Jefferson

“Whenever you do a thing, act as if all the world were watching.”

Thomas Jefferson

“I am increasingly persuaded that the earth belongs exclusively to the living and that one generation has no more right to bind another to it's laws and judgments than one independent nation has the right to command another.”

Thomas Jefferson

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