“Now, motivational patterns are going to be similar among all espionage agents. That is to say: there will be certain types of motivation that are similar despite differing schools or opposed aims. You will study first how to separate this element for your analysis—in the beginning, through interrogation patterns that betray the inner orientation of the interrogators; secondly, by close observation of language-thought orientation of those under analysis. You will find it fairly simple to determine the root languages of your subjects, of course, both through voice inflection and speech pattern.”

Frank Herbert

“it’s a human trait that when we encounter personal problems, those things most deeply personal are the most difficult to bring out for our logic to scan. We tend to flounder around, blaming everything but the actual, deep-seated thing that’s really chewing on us.”

Frank Herbert

“Come, come," the Baron said. "We don't have much time and pain is quick. Please don't bring it to this, my dear Duke." The Baron looked up at Piter who stood at Leto's shoulder. "Piter doesn't have all his tools here, but I'm sure he could improvise." "Improvisation is sometimes the best, Baron.”

Frank Herbert

“How strange that so few people ever looked up from the spice long enough to wonder at the near-ideal nitrogen-oxygen-CO2 balance being maintained here in the absence of large areas of plant cover.”

Frank Herbert

“It should be one of the tests,” the old woman said. “Humans are almost always lonely.”

Frank Herbert

“Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them.”

Frank Herbert

“Malign? I praise him. Death and deceit are our only hopes now. I just do not fool myself about Thufir’s methods.”

Frank Herbert

“Men looked at their gods and their rituals and saw that both were filled with that most terrible of all equations: fear over ambition.”

Frank Herbert

“You must teach me the way you thrust your worries aside and turn to practical matters.”

Frank Herbert

“The Fremen were supreme in that quality the ancients called “spannungsbogen”—which is the self-imposed delay between desire for a thing and the act of reaching out to grasp that thing. —FROM “THE WISDOM OF MUAD’DIB” BY THE PRINCESS IRULAN”

Frank Herbert

“My father once told me that respect for truth comes close to being the basis for all morality.”

Frank Herbert

“You shall be known among us as Usul, the base of the pillar. This is your secret name, your troop name. We of Sietch”

Frank Herbert

“What have we here—jinn or human?”

Frank Herbert

“The test of a man isn’t what you think he’ll do. It’s what he actually does.”

Frank Herbert

“Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a man’s mind,’” Paul quoted.”

Frank Herbert

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