“If you get a second chance, grab it with the first and second hands. Never let it go till all is done and done well. Second chances come with the last graces!”

Israelmore Ayivor

“Be grateful that yesterday ended well; be thankful that today begun well; be joyful that today will end beautifully. Live this pattern of life every day!”

Israelmore Ayivor

“Give a try; give a shot. Sometimes, you must not only expect the way to be too clear; strike when you can!”

Israelmore Ayivor

“Understand that you can’t achieve your dreams if you don’t connect with people who guide you to improve on upon the skills you have.”

Israelmore Ayivor

“Let your dreams be as litmitless as the circumference of the entire universe. The police service does not prosecute people who over-dream. Never nail yourself to the narrow cross. Dream big!”

Israelmore Ayivor

“When the weaver bird flies, nobody talks; when the busy bee flies, no one will make comments... But when a human being begins to fly, you begin to hear talks in the town such as "abomination!... where did he get the wings from?". Never mind! Your dreams are your wings, so decide to fly!”

Israelmore Ayivor

“Wisdom is the ability to make wise decisions and pursue them. The bible said "wisdom is the principal thing". This means it's the number one thing ever that you cannot bypass and expect to succeed!”

Israelmore Ayivor

“You can do nothing without prayer and everything with it. Anything worth worrying about is something worth praying about.”

Israelmore Ayivor

“The beauty of your passion is in the colours of your belief.”

Israelmore Ayivor

“Never become proud within yourself when you are seen as the one to cause that great effect. Never become timid if you know you can while others dare to prove otherwise! Mind your business and make the strike.”

Israelmore Ayivor

“You got to insist on your success, resist every obstacle and persist in times of difficulty and you will get there.”

Israelmore Ayivor

“Plant a good seed in people who have fertile hearts. When you are away, they'll miss you. When you are coming again, they can't wait!”

Israelmore Ayivor

“Death has only one hand glove... so it takes away the body, but leaves behind the impacts. Difference makers live twice; in body and in impacts... The former is temporal but the later lasts long!”

Israelmore Ayivor

“Nobody was born a master; amateurs become experts because they did not give up on learning. You are going as far as you can if you’ll learn and apply!”

Israelmore Ayivor

“You can be in your room and lead people. Just develop your potentials and publicize them and you will see people looking for your product. That is influence; self-made leaders do not look for followers. Followers look for them.”

Israelmore Ayivor

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