“When resistance closes the door against you, remember that persistence holds the key. Don't give up too early; insist to endure to the end... You will never regret it!”

Israelmore Ayivor

“Do not be tired of doing good things. Victory comes after the battle; the crown follows the fight; the same way, behind purposeful actions is a great deal of success. Don’t give up on the fight. Fight till them end; win till all is won.”

Israelmore Ayivor

“What separates a weak dreamer and a great dreamer is who is wishing and waiting or who is willing and working.”

Israelmore Ayivor

“If you don't have a goal, you will score zero even if you run with the fastest speed.”

Israelmore Ayivor

“Remember no matter how fast you run, you can't be the winner if you don't finish. As someone said, to be the first to finish, you must finish first! Go, take the strike!”

Israelmore Ayivor

“Staying with detractors is like sleeping in a room located just behind the public toilet. You will never feel comfortable until you relocate.”

Israelmore Ayivor

“Love your neighbor... and in doing so, do it as you love yourself! Take up the loads that will cause your neighbor a neck pain; don't put a heavy cross over his/her neck!”

Israelmore Ayivor

“Sometimes what you love to do could even make many people to hate you. You may go through non-formal torments, character assassinations, verbal assaults and societal rejections, but if you are convinced about your love for what you are doing, you will never give up.”

Israelmore Ayivor

“You will hardly find wrong people at right places. Choose to be at the right places and you will find the right people who will inspire you to make it happen!”

Israelmore Ayivor

“Develop what you have. Project it to the world. God will put a star up there on you. Then the wise men will look for you as they looked for Christ. They are going to bring the gold, the frankinsence and the myrrh. Even if you are hiding in the sheep's pen, they will find you once the star directs them!”

Israelmore Ayivor

“Yes, we know you are a graduate with PhD. But when was the last time you chase after a book shop to buy and read a book at your own volition to obtain an information for your self-development? Knowledge doesn't chase people; people chase knowledge and information.”

Israelmore Ayivor

“My mother is my doctor Caring for me when am ill I will love her forever till We are gone to our creator!”

Israelmore Ayivor

“You care, you dare and you share; this is the unforgettable rule of every true believer and achiever.”

Israelmore Ayivor

“Millions of candles can be lighted from a single candle and the lifespan of that single candle will never be shortened! Feel free to share your success stories with every loved one out there; it will strengthen them but will never weaken you in any way.”

Israelmore Ayivor

“Stress is equivalent to weapons of mass destruction armed for wrong reasons. The difference is that, it is less costly as compared to the atomic bombs! However, it destroys faster!”

Israelmore Ayivor

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