“The state was made for man, not man for state.”

Albert Einstein

“Bureaucracy is the death of all sound work.”

Albert Einstein

“Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value.”

Albert Einstein

“Still there are moments when one feels free from one’s own identification with human limitations and inadequacies. At such moments, one imagines that one stands on some spot of a small planet, gazing in amazement at the cold yet profoundly moving beauty of the eternal, the unfathomable: life and death flow into one, and there is neither evolution nor destiny; only being.”

Albert Einstein

“To dwell on the things that depress or anger us does not help in overcoming them. One must knock them down alone.”

Albert Einstein

“My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind.”

Albert Einstein

“Once a day allow yourself the freedom to dream...”

Albert Einstein

“A problem can't be solved with the same level of thinking that created it.”

Albert Einstein

“This is a question too difficult for a mathematician. It should be asked of a philosopher"(when asked about completing his income tax form)”

Albert Einstein

“Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. That's relativity.”

Albert Einstein

“Let every man judge according to his own standards, by what he has himself read, not by what others tell him.”

Albert Einstein

“Development of Western science is based on two great achievements: the invention of the formal logical system (in Euclidean geometry) by the Greek philosophers, and the discovery of the possibility to find out causal relationships by systematic experiment (during the Renaissance). In my opinion, one has not to be astonished that the Chinese sages have not made these steps. The astonishing thing is that these discoveries were made at all.”

Albert Einstein

“I do not believe that civilization will be wiped out in a war fought with the atomic bomb. Perhaps two-thirds of the people of the Earth might be killed, but enough men capable of thinking, and enough books, would be left to start again, and civilization could be restored.”

Albert Einstein

“In scientific thinking are always present elements of poetry. Science and music requires a thought homogeneous.”

Albert Einstein

“Everything is determined, the beginning as well as the end, by forces over which we have no control. It is determined for the insect, as well as for the star. Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust, we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible piper.”

Albert Einstein

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