“The Bible teaches us to be more concerned about the needs and feelings of others than our own. We are to encourage and build self-confidence in our loved ones, friends, and associates.”

Billy Graham

“New morality is nothing more than the old immorality brought up to date.”

Billy Graham

“The church should not be pampered but rather prepare for, and expect, persecution—for it is Christ’s body on earth.”

Billy Graham

“This does not mean that God never heals in miraculous ways; I am certain that at times He does. But there are also many times when He does not. We cannot understand why some people appear to glide effortlessly through life, while others always seem to be in the throes of pain and sorrow. We cannot explain why some withered bodies are healed, while others suffer and die. We cannot know why some prayers are answered the way we hoped they would be, while others seemingly go unanswered. We cannot pretend that life in Christ will always guarantee us victory and material success as defined by human standards. On the other hand, when we tell only the stories of victory, we tell just a part of the truth. When we imply that the Christian faith involves no yoke and no burden, we tell less than the whole truth. Half-truths and easy answers are the weapons of deceit. Sometimes God brings healing, either through modern medicine or through miraculous means. But sometimes He doesn’t—and His way is always best, because He loves us and knows what is best for us. Never forget: for the Christian, this life is not all, nor should our physical well-being be our life’s highest goal. Christ is our life, and someday we will go to be with Him for all eternity.”

Billy Graham

“The second coming of Christ will be so revolutionary that it will change every aspect of life on this planet. Christ will reign in righteousness. Disease will be arrested. Death will be modified. War will be abolished. Nature will be changed. Man will live as it was originally intended he should live.”

Billy Graham

“Pero hay otra clase de felicidad, la que todos hemos estado anhelando y buscando. Esta segunda clase de felicidad es paz y gozo internos y duraderos que sobreviven a cualquier circunstancia.”

Billy Graham

“Jesus was born with the cross darkening His pathway . . . From the cradle to the cross, [Jesus’] purpose was to die.”

Billy Graham

“The journey God has set before us isn’t a freeway; we are constantly encountering forks and junctions and crossroads. Which way will we go when we meet them? Life is filled with decisions, and we can’t avoid them.”

Billy Graham

“We must be constantly aware that Satan can take any human effort and twist it to serve his own purposes.”

Billy Graham

“The cross was designed to defeat Satan, who by deception had obtained squatters’ rights to the title of the earth.”

Billy Graham

“Two conflicting forces cannot exist in one human heart. When doubt reigns, faith cannot abide. Where hatred rules, love is crowded out. Where selfishness rules, there love cannot dwell.”

Billy Graham

“Immorality is glorified today. The Scripture teaches that God hates immorality! The ideal of purity is scorned, immorality is laughed at in school—“God is old-fashioned!” What else can we expect but that thousands of our young people are growing up to be immoral?

Billy Graham

“The blessing of knowledge becomes a curse when we pervert it.”

Billy Graham

“Renewal is brought by the Holy Spirit. Believers will learn what it means to minister to one another and build each other up. No longer will our lives seem ordinary and indistinguishable from the rest of the world.”

Billy Graham

“We are the Bibles the world is reading; We are the creeds the world is needing; We are the sermons the world is heeding.”

Billy Graham

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